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  1. coco

    68 Chrysler Imperial Convertible, Not mine in Vegas

    $11.5k , very little info
  2. coco

    Help with an inspection on a car

    Can anyone recommend somebody to do an inspection on a car for me ? looked online in the general area, Tulsa Oklahoma, but nothing came up bar the nationwide types. I have my own car for sale at the moment with a buyer due to take her on Thursday this week, so if that goes through will be...
  3. coco

    German cars well worth a look !

    Came across this earlier and it is worth a look, lots of pics and a few video's Boats by the River - BBTR Check it out you'll be glad you did, no facebook account needed to see all the beautiful cars. Wish I could go along one day... maybe next year if they do it again
  4. coco

    1968 Chrysler Features Sales Training Film

    A little find on Youtube