1960 Plymouth 2 door Station Wagon - $29500 (CO)

1978 NYB

Legendary Member
Apr 16, 2011
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I have some video of this car in a small car show in Centerville SD about 7-8 years ago, but it had all matching wheels and no holes through the hood.
This is kind of a cool car.

I probably wouldn't of cut holes in the hood.
It's like seeing a charming middle aged attractive school teacher and then spotting she's wearing stillotos.
That's baddass....
That's a pretty good analogy actually
this wagon needs the holes in the hood filled. the carb spacers removed and the scoops taken off. when you open the hood and see the dual quads then you can say oh ya baby. just my opinion. looks too pimped out the way it is now.
Their ain't but one "RAT ROASTER" and knowin' it'z there without seein' it iz worth havin' ah stand by hood, or maybe not (IN PEA GREEN AH CORSE) and laughin' at the masses. yeah jes gotta love it! I looked for TRI-Ys for yearz for the Batwagon but finally settled for the J-K rams and the J-K Headerz 'cuz the only Tri-Ys I found were hangin' on the wall in the garage of ah friend and attrition and old age iz already takin' ah toll on them few I got. Wouldn't take ah chance on loosin' even one of the few I've got by doin' stupid fer eye candy and jes tah pass some gas