1962 Imperial for Sale

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Hippies.............. Hillbillies.............Communes
you guys see that mopar wagon in the back of the second pic? looks like a 69-72 fury
how do cars wind up all over a hillside like that?

The only ryhme or reason I can think of is that people abandoned cars on farmer Joe's property and he didn't know it or he did know and said park it anywhere.
Once I had to go driving out to a private airport south of Sacramento to pickup a gun turret. While driving the last 30 miles in the region there were houses all over the place with several cars to a couple of dozen cars, like these in the back or front yard. Kept telling Jim, who was driving, look at that, and look at that, we gotta stop, and why do these people have all these cars sitting around?
IA friends mother grew up on a farm in Woodstown NJ. She had 10 brothers and sisters when a car wore out they parked it in the woods....
hmm......i wonder what else is hiding out in cali? A friend of mine just sent a '67 cutlass back to his grandfather who demanded to have it back when he said he was going to sell it. gramps is a hoarder, he has a 4 car garage but it is full of junk and the car is gonig to sit outside. WTF??????????

and there is a pic of a '69 polara rag out there, been sitting with it's rear end hanging out of the garage for prob 20 yrs, hasn't moved, and not for sale. my guess is there is still plenty of stuff to be had. I know of several amcs sitting as well, 2 in the sacramento area, stuff can sit b/c it doesn't rot like it does out here.
hmm......i wonder what else is hiding out in cali? A friend of mine just sent a '67 cutlass back to his grandfather who demanded to have it back when he said he was going to sell it. gramps is a hoarder, he has a 4 car garage but it is full of junk and the car is gonig to sit outside. WTF??????????

and there is a pic of a '69 polara rag out there, been sitting with it's rear end hanging out of the garage for prob 20 yrs, hasn't moved, and not for sale. my guess is there is still plenty of stuff to be had. I know of several amcs sitting as well, 2 in the sacramento area, stuff can sit b/c it doesn't rot like it does out here.

I know what you mean. My Grandpa and my youngest brother are hoarders.... of junk. However, my Grandpa's last car was 1975 Dodge Dart Sedan with a slant 6. It was that despicable green color.
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