WANTED 1963 Imperial brake booster

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Apr 22, 2015
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East Liverpool, Ohio 43920
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I recently purchased a 63 Imp, and the brakes have never been good on it, but I drove it home anyway. They are adjusted properly, but my pedal goes all the way to the floor before they even grab. I am looking for a brake booster for it, if anyone has a good one laying around. I tried servicing my old one, but once it was back together it acted the same. This ought to be the best place to look for one. Thanks in advance for anyone who can help me.
That does not sound like a typical booster failure. Usually a booster goes bad, they pedal will be so hard you can't push it or it will still function but with hissing vacuum leaks. It sounds more like you are having master cylinder problems which would be easier and cheaper to fix.

If you need a new booster, try http://www.boosterdeweyexchange.com/
My pedal is hard, goes down easily, and I do hear hissing vacuum leaks. I am wondering if maybe they have both failed (master cylinder and booster). After all, the master cylinder is probably original. The booster is an aftermarket design, as far as I can tell. The two halves of the housing are held together with locking tabs rather than bolts, like my service manual shows. I would feel best to replace both. Thanks!
well yeah, now it sounds like you have multiple problems. The hissing is definitely a bad booster. The pedal going down easy should be a hydraulic issue - whether that's the master cylinder, rusted/leaking lines, or bad wheel cylinders is something you will have to investigate. If it's all original parts, I would be replacing everything brake related.
My master cylinder always stays full. I know I have good solid lines. Hoses look good also. I lose no fluid. I suspect a bad master cylinder and booster. When I tore apart the booster, the diaphragm looked to be good and intact, healthy rubber. What I'm worried about is the vacuum check valve on the side that leads to the back of the carb. I can hear it hissing pretty bad from inside the car. I am certain I have vacuum issues, but uncertain about hydraulic. I have been wanting to pull all four drums off and at the VERY LEAST, inspecting all parts inside. I have a feeling I'll be doing all four cylinders, and probably doing the springs and adjusters just to make myself happy.
Your booster is probably leaking around the seal where the brake pedal rod goes through. If you are not losing fluid, then it's more than likely the master cylinder itself.
I'm not that familiar with the specifics for '63s. Just curious, does it have the dual plane front brakes with two wheel cylinders per wheel or is it like later models with a single wheel cylinder? Good luck with the tapered axles on the rear!
Got myself a new master cylinder coming in tomorrow morning. Hopefully it will solve my problem. Thanks for all the advice, everyone. I truly appreciate it!
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