1967 300 vert

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That would look good next to my silver `67 Imp. Yet another one that I'm glad is way too far away for me to do anything about!
It's a nice vert, but I agree that there hasn't been much care and service provided to this 300. It would look nice next to your Imp Matt!!!
:bs_flag: Again, I have to call B.S. Nothing would look good next to Matts Imperial... They might look good together, or separated but the Imperial will steal the luster of anything next to it.
You certainly love running that flag up the pole today, don't you.
Sorry. Nobody's saluting...
Either you're just trying to pad your "Thanks" count or you are truely the first person on my list that should have my Imp IF I ever decided to sell and that's a big IF!
No intention to kidnap another excellent survivor to Europe as far as I'm concerned.
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