For Sale 1967 Chrysler 300 Grill extension wanted

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Nov 9, 2020
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British Columbia
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All, looking for a nice grill extension for 300 drop top. Drivers side. Any body have anything they have been hoarding? I am in BC (you know, Canada!
They are flawless NOS pieces in the original boxes. I have them at my other storage location. It will take me a day or two to get them out and take pics.
Before you go to get this stuff, we should probably find out if I can afford them! My other issue is that if they are perfect NOS pieces the balance of the grill probably going to look a little tired. Got a number in mind? CG
I would hate to break up the pair. I can go 250.00 for both.
Ouch!. As an NOS part, I am sure they are really choice, but I am north of the border, so works out to $340.00 C $ for me plus shipping. I think I better try to get this one repaired as a first step. Really appreciate your offer though. Much appreciated. C
Do you have a pic of the part you are looking for? I have gathered a few 67/68 300 grille pieces over the years and maybe I have a spare for what you are looking for....and I'm in BC too...;)
1967 Chrysler 300 Grill Extension. This is the right side but I need the left side. C

Grill Extension Photo.JPG
OK that is what I thought you were looking for, will go do some digging and see if I have a spare drivers side unit in good driver quality. ;)
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