For Sale 1967 Plymouth Fury III 4DR Sedan - CL - AL - $3000

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Good DD

Ad claims the only issue is the badly dented passenger door.

Almost believe it!
But I could get a genuine Challenger for just 2.5k at Ebay. ;)

Just back from a ski trip.
Anyone we know ?


It's about 50 miles one way from here to Cullman.

Sorta thought about going down today to give it a look, but had to spend the day fixing my home water heater problem instead.

If anyone is really interested, I will try to make the trip sometime soon, and I'll take more pics.

To me it looks like a little ole lady who drove it to church,,but she kept in a garage too. :)

Nothing wrong with that!

Most cars of that age around these parts are very roached out. Only a few well cared for like that one.
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