Obviously a 118K mile car.
If you live half a mile from the crocery's you easily put 1.2K miles a year into it. Drive it sparingly (like the proverbial little old lady would do) for ten years, and you have 18K miles on the clock.
Perhaps it went like this:
The little old lady forgot to have the tranny fluid changed. - Why, in the owner's manual it says you never have to change it, "'cause its designed to last the lifetime" (the only thing it did NOT say was WHOSE lifetime; the tranny's, the car's, or the little old lady's) - well, so the tranny finally started to give trouble, and therefore the little old lady parked the car. Frugal as she was, she didn't sell it; after all, she had paid high dollar for it only ten years ago. She just parked it, and hoped that the tranny problem would go away. It never did.