For Sale 1969 Newport Vert Sacramento CL

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Now that looks very interesting for $1,200

Hell someone could part it out and more than double their money...... :yes_no:and save a bunch of other C-Bodies at the same time.
Now that looks very interesting for $1,200 Hell someone could part it out and more than double their money...... :yes_no:and save a bunch of other C-Bodies at the same time.

nice option too.....the tilt/tele, do not see many newports with that

I like how it is ratcheted down to keep it from blowing away :naka:

I want it but have my sights on something not quite so far away .......... :parts book:


If the rust is minimal, you should be all over this, guys... Don't let the tent bluff you.

Rains are coming!
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