For Sale 1970 Dodge Challenger - TN - ebay - $2500 "project car"

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That's exactly what I was expecting from a 2.5k E-bay offer for a Challenger.
Hang on, I cant see the challenger in the picture because of that skeleton in the way.
"Upon disassembling this car and beginning the repair process, I realized it was more of a project than I was willing to take on."

No, duh....
wow. its dead. I didn't think any car could ever be dead. but that car is dead. lol @ it has a VIN number. they had to spray paint it on to the car next to it
$25 delivered, and he throws in the dolly it's sitting on, and I might consider it. On second thought, he can keep the scrap that's sitting on the dolly, and I'll just give him $25 for the dolly.
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