1970 Imp dash removal


Well-Known Member
Jun 13, 2015
Reaction score
Bacliff Texas
Do I need to remove the windshield to remove the dash on my 1970 Imperial?
Windshield stays in... This is the simplified version and assumes you know about disconnecting wiring, A/C etc.

Steering wheel off, drop the steering down (out if possible.. it's easier). Take the A pillar trim and the trim panel on top of dash off. 2 bolts are in the defroster vents. 1 bolt on each side at the base of the dash. Loosen the bolts and tip the dash out to finish disconnecting wiring etc.

It's much easier to get out than to put back.... This isn't for the faint of heart!
Thank you Big_John. The reason I asked the question is the car has electrical issues. Several items are not working. An episode of Graveyard Cars showed a dash restored by Instrument Specialties being installed in a B Body and the windshield was out.

I'm trying to formulate my plan to deal with all the electrical issues in a 45 year old car. I really appreciate your response and this forum.

One of the reasons I pulled mine out of my 300 was to correct wiring issues.

In hindsight, I think if you pulled the instrument cluster, a/c ducts and pulled the steering column, I think you can get to almost all of the wiring harnesses from under the dash and remove them for repair.

Pull the front seat too... makes it much easier.
Big_John. You made me glad I asked the question here. Your dash restore looks factory fresh.
I already knew I needed to pull the steering column and front seats as they both need some work.
I think your method will save a ton of work that don't need done.
I pulled the dash on my '69 Imperial without removing the windshield either! I used a bitratchet on the bolts in the center vent. It was a pita, but possible...

It took awhile for me to figure out that you have to remove 2 threaded rods on the steering column bracket to remove the dashboard. Besides these two time consuming steps, it was a piece of cake.

Maybe some of my pictures will help you to get an idea. In the folders '#_Dashboard' and 'Steering Column' should be some usefull pictures of hidden fasteners.
