For Sale 1970 Imperial

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Old Man with a Hat
FCBO Gold Member
Nov 14, 2010
Reaction score
Feedback: 29 / 0 / 0
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This one has been around at least a couple of times here and now again. I spotted it a couple of weeks ago and several times since in a driveway of a home pretty close to my shop. Some good money seems to have been spent on it and it's too bad that it'll be hard to recoup.


cosmetically it is a little bit rough.
Definetly needs to get a v-top again.
But I think it could be a perfect daily without worrying to much about it

There are no bad neighborhoods that close to my shop so stop it.

I haven't been to Royal Oak in many years, but was definitely a nice area when I last visited my aunt and uncle! As far as the car, I think I might have leaned toward fixing the rear quarters before the paint on the roof. It looks like the drivers rear is eaten up...but maybe that's just mud and lighting?
There are no bad neighborhoods that close to my shop so stop it.
Sorry. :Groaner:

Another facetious reply that went str8 into the FAIL dumpster.
Glad to know that there are people still willing to go to bat for Detroit.
I like that roof. A lot of work there, and what is it hurting? That's a great platform to practice ones' art on. And bonus points for ditching the vinyl top. A buyer could always put a new top on.

Good list of parts replacement and other work done provided in the seller's ad. I'd crank the torsion bars back up a little, were it mine. Compound and polish the paint to make what's there presentable. Work and fill the lower quarters. Clean up the interior. I'd be $3K would drive this one home.
I was able to Kind of like appreciate the work done by a member here on his slab Chrysler, but this design is way too busy for the car IMHO.
Underneath all the cool factor is a realy rusty Chrysler... I guess he's charging $3000.. For the kool lowrider roof job ?
Underneath all the cool factor is a realy rusty Chrysler... I guess he's charging $3000.. For the kool lowrider roof job ?
No, my guess is he's charging $3000 for about $5000 + worth of engine and transmission work.
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