For Sale 1972 2d Polara $1,100 Sandy Lake, PA

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Aug 30, 2016
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Not mine, but it sad that the guy would sell it on a derby page. First one that pay $1100 will get it. Can someone save it. Got to hurry!
I saw this one pop up on FB too. Hope someone can save it from being smashed.
I swear they pull on our heart strings like an mspca commercial when they throw around words like derby so someone jumps to panic buy it. Supposedly I saved my car from the lot owners son who wanted it for a derby. They wanted $1,800 I offered $1,100 void the lemon warranty you’ll never see me back with it. son told me to pound sand. I walked, Just about to drive away & the dad ran up to my passengers window and yelled $1,250 take it right now! Lol
I didn’t think they derby 2 door cars. Being sunk up to the rockers might be a saving grace from the derby as well, doubt they would use something with a badly rotted frame. It is worth $1100 for parts at least.
I didn’t think they derby 2 door cars. Being sunk up to the rockers might be a saving grace from the derby as well, doubt they would use something with a badly rotted frame. It is worth $1100 for parts at least.
I don't know the derby world in huge depth...But, maybe somewhere in the JV derby league they use anything that runs and cheap 2dr or not.(?)
I don't know the derby world in huge depth...But, maybe somewhere in the JV derby league they use anything that runs and cheap 2dr or not.(?)
Yeah, I try not to pay attention too much to the derby, but I’m under the impression that they would want as much solid metal between the driver and the competition as possible. I’m sure someone will want to drag it out of the mud.
@live4theking go save it. It is also reposted somewere on the FB group "Keep Mopar "C" Bodies alive and roll'n"
I talked to the guy and he have got some bites. Sad part was that he was suppose to restore it but he lost a leg so now he wants it gone.
@live4theking go save it. It is also reposted somewere on the FB group "Keep Mopar "C" Bodies alive and roll'n"
I talked to the guy and he have got some bites. Sad part was that he was suppose to restore it but he lost a leg so now he wants it gone.
if he restored it he would have lost an arm in addition to the leg.
Let's just say he got off on the wrong foot.


Hey, stop throwing things at me...
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I didn’t think they derby 2 door cars. Being sunk up to the rockers might be a saving grace from the derby as well, doubt they would use something with a badly rotted frame. It is worth $1100 for parts at least.
Oh no they will gladly spend countless hours plating the frame and welding in patches on the floor just to go smash it up. Their behavior should be studied as a lesson in how to waste time the hard way.
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