1973 Newport Glovebox Won't Open


Nov 2, 2014
Reaction score
God's Country
I'm hoping someone will be able to help me out on my new ride, a 1973 Newport. I just found out that the glovebox will not open -- it just spins around and around in a circle and I don't want to use monster strength to break anything. Is there an easy way to open this bad boy without wrecking anything?


Have you tried to use the trunk key? It should open the lock...
Yup, worked like a champ. I have never owned a Mopar with a lock on the dash glovebox before. So it really is locked all the time, and the only way to get into the dash glove box is to use the key? Does this sound right?

If you just try to open the glove box by turning the chrome knob, it just turns and turns. Use the key and it opens, but you've got to line it up to the key slot, because the chrome knob just turns where ever.

Crazy setup, but I got it to work, so now I know...............
You should be able to unlock it and not need the key.
I'd try this first.

Thanks, I'll get it checked out. Anyone ever had this apart? Is it a bear to do? Any hints would be appreciated.

There's a video on YouTube, just can't remember the name of it... A guy shows how you do it and it looks easy when you know what to do. IIRC there's a little pinhole somewhere on the lock which really is a key to apart the whole thing.