For Sale 1976 New Yorker

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Active Member
Dec 15, 2011
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I'd want to see the car in the sunshine. I inspect four to six cars per year for an automobile inspection service in CT, and one of the number one rules about selling a car (and inspecting one for a client) is NEVER take pictures of any aspect of a car inside a shop, especially under fluorescent lights! They make a car appear to be a LOT nicer than the car would outside in the daylight. Ideally, it should be an overcast day with minimal shadows and such.

I concur with you guys in that what can be seen is pretty damn nice!
NEVER take pictures of any aspect of a car inside a shop, especially under fluorescent lights! They make a car appear to be a LOT nicer than the car would outside in the daylight. /QUOTE]

They make me look like crap

Dave, I've seen your cars (except the new one) and wish mine looked that crappy!
Patrick, Lakeland Lash photoshop..., er, photographs his cars outdoors... :D

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He uses a variety of exposures and color saturation adjustments, but I really doubt there is p-shop involved with his. He tries to make his "artsy", but that is the wrong approach to selling a car.
I've seen his cars in person and then the picture. As an example of one of these cars, I saw that some of the trim was held on by a sheet metal screw repair. In the pics, the sheet metal screws were retouched.

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