1st drive of the year


Senior Member
Oct 23, 2012
Reaction score
I took the 880 out of the back garage today aftera winter of front end and brake work. All new steering, the steering spun like butter, i was so happy. She stops on a dime with the scarebird brakes up front, but have some little grinding i have to look into though, other then that it was a blast. Oh by the way, i had to teach my 7 year old how to literally ROLL down the window.:eek:ld_school:
Awesome. Same boat here, my kids think it's fun to roll the windows up/down.
I'm glad you got her on the road. Do you still have snow banks?
Good stuff, the first of many for you.
I'm glad you got her on the road. Do you still have snow banks?
No more snow just tons of rain, houses are flooding everywhere, my sump pump is running constantly. I put some big ruts in the yard driving her from the back garage across the lawn to the road.
Sorry to hear that. The sun will come out sooner or later.
Luckily for me that we had very few frozen precipitation events this winter so I was able to drive the NYB virtually year round here. I believe we had about 2 inches of snow total for the winter that melted with a day or two followed by heavy rains that washed the salt away.
... Oh by the way, i had to teach my 7 year old how to literally ROLL down the window.:eek:ld_school:
