Welp GNX vs GN I seem to remember seeing this
when I spy'd the engine compartment but it was still a bloody V6 in my mind so didn't pay to much attention.
One thing I do know was that the car was totaled (via insurance co.) while he owned it and he had it totally rebuilt. This guy was Mr. Turbo King and turbo'ed anything even his snowmobiles.
Ever see them racing snowmobile across lakes in the summer time? That's him.
Ice drag races too. This car was done up with a even bigger turbo/cooler than it came with stock and what else performance wise just went over my head.
I get a call one morning from his wife asking me if I'd drive her up the coast to the fly'in event, why can't you just drive yourself I ask? She said that with the motorhome up there they too many vehicles and she needed to drive one back.
OK I guess, can we take the Grand National? Oh you mean 'My Baby' sure, was her reply. Rut'ro this may not be a quick & fun as I thought, but wait she's coming back Sunday and I get to ride home alone, Yes'sir!
Now her husband and I go back to the days where we had some (ahem) runs on the highway, his 455 1960 something *MINT* Pontiac Grand Prix vs. my second 440/6pack PK21 and with getting tied up doing stupid stuff with his kids I didn't get to leave till it was almost dark. He knew me enough to remind me to not hold it wide open on the highway as I was leaving and I escaped before the wife could remind me that it was "her baby" again. LOL
BUT by the time I got on the Interstate night time construction zones had opened up and traffic was heavy for a Friday night so the WOT didn't happen but for a mere few seconds.
Monster acceleration from 50 to 100 but by the time the pedal touched the floor it was time to back off for traffic Grrrrrrrr. Probably all for the better thou.
FBI car or not? I never asked him where he got it so don'kno, like I sed V6 world not my bag.
Now I did know a Agent that had a late 70's Mercury Marquis with a 460ci engine in it that the Georgia & South Carolina Patrol weren't too fond of... but that's a whole hell'a 'nother story.