WANTED 3rd Row Compartment Side Plastic Cubby Pieces - 1970 Plymouth Custom Suburban.


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May 8, 2024
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Scottsdale AZ
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Hi all!
I am once again posting another thread on this site, as I'm in need of some more pieces to the puzzle, that is my 1970 Plymouth Custom Suburban.
The pieces I'm looking for are the complete set of 4 rear compartment "cubby" side panel pieces in the station wagon. I attempted to pull the existing panels out to inspect their condition, trying to see if by chance I could salvage them with flexible filler, sanding, texture and color. I went to grab the inside of the depression of one of the cubby pieces and my thumb went straight through it. They appear to have been repaired (or attempted) to be repaired in the past with a skeletal mesh backing and a bunch of body filler.
That being said, restoring what I have is my only option, unless someone knows where a set could be found. If you have the pieces/know someone who does have them, and would be interested in selling them, please message me via this thread.

Again, just to reiterate , I need all four pieces, the drivers side front/rear storage panels, and the pass. side front storage panel/rear spare tire cover panel.These are the open storage areas, without the container lids as I'd seen on some Town & Country / higher trim wagons. Also just remembering now, I would also need the small square shaped "ashtray-like" inserts which fit around the metal latches for the rear seat.

Here are some photos...
I do have in my possession a green seat latch dish trim piece, but it is very brittle, and would probably break if I tried sliding it over the latch bar.
That is all...I think. Any help or point in the right direction would be greatly appreciated. Thank you for your time!




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I have a full set, I am in Northern Illinois though.
That’s awesome. Just asking about the condition, are they all intact for the most part? Would you have some photos of the pieces?

Also…Would you be interested in selling them?
I’d be interested in paying the price plus shipping, just as a bulk charge. Again, only if you would want to sell them.
Get back to me when you can, greatly appreciated!