63 New Yorker Front End Alignment


New Member
Dec 11, 2024
Reaction score
Martinez, CA
Hey guys, I just had my front suspension rebuilt using a full kit acquired from Craig and now I'm looking to have it aligned. My understanding is that the info for the front end alignment in the shop manual is for bias ply tires and that the numbers for modern radials are different.

I came across this information when looking for modern numbers: Mopar wheel alignment settings

The original info looks like it's from Richard Ehrenberg at the bottom of the article, but in the notes below the table, it doesn't reference C bodies like it does in the table at the top of the article.

Do you guys know if these numbers look correct for my New Yorker in the modern tire age?
Thank You , again.... I don't know the specs for an alignment....
I would hope someone in here has those specs for you....
For alignment specs from the "radial tire era", check the specs for a 1975 Chrysler. My observation has been that the biggest change is to minimize toe-in more towards zero than in prior times. Caster and camber service manual, although caster can be more toward the max spec.
