66 chrysler 300 convertible

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Old Man with a Hat
Mar 10, 2011
Reaction score
Sebring, Florida
Feedback: 0 / 0 / 0
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Just beautiful! Here you go Mark. Just get in and drive!
man, you got that right........not my fav dash, but really nice. Is is way over my head $$ wise, and a bit too big for my garage. If the 300's would fit in my garage ok, I'd be buying the '70 300 that plymouth67 has for sale.

keep looking boys, sooner or later one of you will come up with a polara - if not, in 3 weks I can buy some gm or ford product @ fall carlisle, esp since parts are so plentiful for them and everything is repro'ed
Mark, the right Chrysler is out there waiting on you. Just be patient.
I stumbled across the best cars when I wasn*t seriously looking for one.
i can't

Don't do it, dude...
I'm serious.

because polara71 knows where i live and will come out looking for me..........and yes, the best cars i've found have also been when i wasn't looking and didnt have any $$ (which i guess was the main reason i wasn't looking).

I used to have old junkers as daily drivers and got compliments on them all the time, now I have newer cars and nobody gives them a second look (but then again, why would they?).
Mark, the right Chrysler is out there waiting on you. Just be patient.

working on it...have not 'looked' the last 2 days, just browsed this forum. i seriously do not expect anything from carlisle, the spring and fall shows are getting soemwhat inundated with new garbage in the corral foor hte last 3 yrs or so. Like who the h wants to pay to look at that stuff?
If you put it your mind you would buy the "right" Chevy right now, you wouldn't be able to find it right now.
And you can replace Chevy, with Ford, Buick, Studebaker, Mercury, whatever... it ain't gonna happen today just because you "have" to buy it TODAY and you're getting itchier than hell.
What's you're address? I'll send you some Xanax.
Why am I preaching. Well, let's just say there was a time in my life that I...
i understand....as life goes on I am realizing that nothing is as important as i think it is
The REAL turning point in life where everything else in the world means crap comes
when you're standing there as the medical team frantically works on your wife, you hear the overhead monitor flat line and a Code Blue comes over the speakers...
I LOVE cars, I love my car. I live to peruse the classifieds, but truthfully I could give a ratzazz about them in the big scheme of things.
Rant over. Thanks for your time...:eek:ccasion14:
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The REAL turning point in life where everything else in the world means crap comes
when you're standing there as the medical team frantically works on your wife, you hear the overhead monitor flat line and a Code Blue comes over the speakers

Yes, I often tell another family member how none of what they think matters now wil make them feel good when they are on their death bed.......funny, i never say the same thing to myself
Same here. I have almost died three times. I am 31 years old and have disabilities due to the Air Force. I wish I could have finished my time and retired at 42 years old!

I love cars but I have a hard time dropping 30k-40k on a car plus any other work they need. I drive my cars to enjoy them. Not worry about a VIN number and a 10k paint job.
Thats because you always see things happening to others but never to yourself

One of my good friends, a big mopar guy, had a massive heart attacks a few yrs ago @ age 42......quad bypass, he has told me he no longer worries abt show cars, etc, just something nice enough to drive. he used to be nuts abt this stuff, and he basically did a 180
Perspective is an important thing. I always was a smart guy, worked hard, wanted to get ahead. At age 33 I was diagnosed with severe heart disease and went on some heavy-duty drugs. That gave me a little different perspective but it wasn't until I went into the hospital 2 years later for a routine diagnostic procedure and they almost killed me that it really came to me. I remember having a doctor on top of me on the bed doing CPR, another one announcing to the room that my BP was 40 over zero and a third trying to find a vein to give me an IV and having a hard time because there was no blood moving. I had that out-of-body experience you read about of watching the proceedings from the top of the wall looking down on it all and realizing that it was just too much trouble to try to breathe. The doc eventually hit paydirt with a vein and saved my life.

Then almost 3 years ago I had 12 hours of heart surgery and they sent me home after a week. I was in pretty rough shape at first but after a couple of weeks was able to do some minor things. About 6 weeks after the surgery I went into decline and they couldn't figure out why until they discovered I was bleeding internally into my chest and had a collapsed lung. In trying to fix that they made matters worse and damn if nearly the same thing happened again - I went into shock, Bp went to almost nothing, stopped breathing and again they were sticking all kids of holes in my arm trying to give me a transfusion. I ended up in hospital for 2 weeks with a chest tube and was discharged on New Years Eve with severe anemia from all the blood loss. In the course of that stay they wrecked the wires that held my sternum together after the initial surgery and I have been fighting an uphill battle ever since with some reduced lung capacity, a heart that is just OK and not great, and a flexible breastbone. But hey, it beats the alternative.

I look at the guys at work who are there late every night and come in on the weekends and just shake my head. Some day I hope they get perspective too.
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It's nice that we can start off talking about a car and we can let the topic go where it may. Sharing personal perspectives on life experiences outside of cars bring the whole car hobby better into perspective.

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It's nice that we can start off talking about a car and we can let the topic go where it may. Sharing personal perspectives on life experiences outside of cars bring the whole car hobby better into perspective.

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That's exactly why I like this forum and the regulars that post here.
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