66 Fury motor mount issue


Slab Side Slacker
Dec 17, 2011
Reaction score
Carstairs, Alberta
My 66 fury 1 was originally a /6 but is soon to inherit a 360 poly stroker i'm having built. I still have the 66 vip that the poly came out of. My dilemma is whether to swap motor mount brackets, or drop the frame out of the vip with the correct mounts and put it under the fury 1. Both frames are solid and swapping would allow me to get it properly blasted and painted, just alot of work.

This is my first resto rodeo plus my welding sucks. Any experience based advice?
The job is not as bad as you may expect.

I would suggest switching your subframes, as Schumacher may be your only other option, at an additional cost.

I do have a '66 Fury III 4dr 383 car... If there is something that you are needing, let me know... Rear bumper, fenders, decklid, doors and taillights are nice, front bumper and grille are fair... Better yet, drive to South Dakota with $600 and take the whole car home.
The job is not as bad as you may expect.

I would suggest switching your subframes, as Schumacher may be your only other option, at an additional cost.

I do have a '66 Fury III 4dr 383 car... If there is something that you are needing, let me know...

Have another fury 1 and a vip sitting in the yard and from the those I can salvage pretty well everything I need, but will sure keep you in mind. Thanks.