66 fury non AC heater parts and help


Well-Known Member
Sep 25, 2022
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Have just removed the heat control and cables. They were all disconnected, and the levers on the box are stuck. Soooo, I have searched here and also reviewed service manual as well as ebay et al for parts. I need to begin with a diagram of the controller, to see how cables connected. The other ends are on the box control levers, but not sure about the control end. Also am wondering if there is a source of cables.....I see them every where for mustang, chevy and trucks.....but no real mopar parts yet. Any help on diagram of controller setup as well as source of cables would be appreciated. It will be interesting to consider box removal or just initial work to free things up. Good so far that water goes thru the core and is hot. Have not yet found the water control valve. More hmmmm.
There is no water control valve. Temperature is contrplled via a damper in the heater box. If you have not already downloaded a FSM and parts book, they are both available for free download @mymopar.com .
Personaly, I have paper copies of these, but find the downloaded versions very useful.
Some Liquid Wrench and patience may free up your cables and controls, but it is possible that the heater box has debris inside preventing movement of the dampers. Hope this might help. All the best, Lindsay
Well, good guidance here, thanks. I saw the damper in the manual of which you speak, but that did me no good. I will have to do some more homework now, but assume this has to control water flow??? That will control the heat in the air thru the core....but this from old thought. I find it interesting that mopar put in some real good detail on things like the steering gearbox, but then points to a picture of the heater box and shows a damper valve. Hmmm, I would have also like it if they had added a pic of the controller with cable layout.....Mine were totally disconnected and have no round ends for pins, so am assuming they have broken off, but again, guessing at this point. Appreciate the guidance, and will dig some more. A lot of fun on the old beast at this point.
Well, good guidance here, thanks. I saw the damper in the manual of which you speak, but that did me no good. I will have to do some more homework now, but assume this has to control water flow??? That will control the heat in the air thru the core....but this from old thought. I find it interesting that mopar put in some real good detail on things like the steering gearbox, but then points to a picture of the heater box and shows a damper valve. Hmmm, I would have also like it if they had added a pic of the controller with cable layout.....Mine were totally disconnected and have no round ends for pins, so am assuming they have broken off, but again, guessing at this point. Appreciate the guidance, and will dig some more. A lot of fun on the old beast at this point.
The heater core is hot with water flow all the time, the damper cuts off the air flows so that heat is not transferred to the interior of the car.

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