66 was such a great year for Mopar


Old Man with a Hat
FCBO Gold Member
Sep 4, 2012
Reaction score
Columbus, OH
And, if you're not on facebook you should join just for the Mopar Trader Page.

I'm sure the page is enjoyable but I'm with Dave.
I don't really care so I'll give up easily here... But, you guys do realize that you only have to look at the pages that you choose?

How bad *** is that Plymouth by the way...
I will be sure to join the group. There's a ton of Mopar stuff on FB and just car stuff in general. Live a little, eh???
I've been a part of that group on there for awhile now. Some cool Mopars for sure. Also on the c body group and a body group on there.
I was a "no thanks to facebook" kind of guy but have changed over the past few months.
I have recently discovered the Mopar groups and although it is a bit less organised, I am liking it very much.
The last thing I need is more Mopar stuff to look at on the net....
If it weren't for the internet, I would never have a chance to see 95% of the Mopars out there. Not one e body in this town, two A bodies that I know of, and one B body. A few C bodies. LOL
The last thing I need is more Mopar stuff to look at on the net....

I only have X length of time to dedicate to forums, if I add another one will fade. The balance seam to follow the current project or the more interesting community. Forums are more than tech boards they are communities, I also joined FABO but never go there, this band of misfits more suits my style, the board rules and enforcement can make a difference as well as the functionality of the board itself.

