'69 440 Engine - Complete

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Maybe if there were receipts, and could hear it run for like 10 min or more...
You can have a 440 block, and then get a complete stroker kit form 440source for just under $2K. This is probably what I will be doing when I rebuild the 440 in the wagon. Cheaper to go stroker, then to have a local machine shop rebuild to stock. And 500" stroker is nice to have too....;)
He's such a buffoon I thought I'd add to his 15 minutes of fame for a few days. Jimmy will be back. Hopefully........
The bigger buffoons are the citizens standing around with their thumbs up their butt and letting him stay in office.
Toronto has had years of left lib tax and spend A holes running city hall. They got fed up when the last mayor was going to ban cars from the downtown. Many in Toronto would rather have an alcoholic crack head as mayor who wants to save money. You get the picture?
left lib tax and spend A hole
alcoholic crack head.......

I'd move.
Even Detroit and Washington D.C. look good.
Alcoholic crack heads are a dime a dozen in government. Its almost a prerequisite and explains a lot. He's clearly and idiot for not staying out of the lime light and way out of control. If he cleans up I'd vote for him again before I'd vote for any of the socialist scum bags.
Amazing. Government today is such that it took an alcoholic crack head to get things done.
So, Obama needs to drink and do heavy duty drugs,
I thought he was........

Was ? Did, Is ? but never inhaled ... unless the records were sealed :laughing4:

The fact that he may have gotten high in his past isn't the problem.
Right now Rob Ford is a train wreck. Sad because he is really making an effort to help the tax payer. I sincerely hope he gets help.
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