WANTED 69 Fury Parts Needed; rear wheel mouldings

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Apr 17, 2014
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Looking for good driver quality wheel mouldings for refurb. Car is in for paint now and body guy wants/needs better parts for finish work.

Also, if anyone knows other years of interchangeability? I didn't think there were any but i'm don't know what i don't know. Car is a Fury III COnvertible if that matters.

Also, of a much less urgent need is a good set of hinges for the hood. Mine work but they've been repaired
Moore's auto salvage in Rapid City, S.D. iz my go to place for all that odd ball stuff. BTW, If you need a guy to play Bang Bang, Tink Tink 'N Polish with your S.S. or Aluminum stuff, P.M. Me and I'll give you the name 'n address of ah guy I know in ah little 'Burb on the east side of Cleveland That does fantastic work and you won't have to re-mortgage your Ponderosa to pay the bill! Jer
I've got CAR-BUDZ in most partz of this continent Dave, Even more then two in some placez like New Jersey. BTW, Did yeah know in Cleveland that 140 st. west Iz not on the west end of 140th st. east? They only bez 280 blockz apart in that town and you wanna know why most folkz that have been around fer ah while callz it MISTAKE ON THE LAKE? Hell, I can even remember ah time back in the early '60z when the Cuyahoga river in down town Cleveland waz so contaminated that it only took one match to light that river up and the entire cities fire department plus ah few 'burbz fire departmentz to put it out! Yo FuryWI. Don't know why I ask you for the P.M. for the metal streighting and polishing guyz information, I don't wanna loose NO Car-Budz Nowhere 'Cept when the lord callz 'um. So the Name iz: Dell metal polishing...1266 unit A State Route 7 NE Brookfield, Oh. 44403... 1-888-989-3355...Hope everyone haz had ah safe and fun weekend. Martini time at Jerz place, so later y'all
I've got CAR-BUDZ in most partz of this continent Dave, Even more then two in some placez like New Jersey. BTW, Did yeah know in Cleveland that 140 st. west Iz not on the west end of 140th st. east? They only bez 280 blockz apart in that town and you wanna know why most folkz that have been around fer ah while callz it MISTAKE ON THE LAKE? Hell, I can even remember ah time back in the early '60z when the Cuyahoga river in down town Cleveland waz so contaminated that it only took one match to light that river up and the entire cities fire department plus ah few 'burbz fire departmentz to put it out! Yo FuryWI. Don't know why I ask you for the P.M. for the metal streighting and polishing guyz information, I don't wanna loose NO Car-Budz Nowhere 'Cept when the lord callz 'um. So the Name iz: Dell metal polishing...1266 unit A State Route 7 NE Brookfield, Oh. 44403... 1-888-989-3355...Hope everyone haz had ah safe and fun weekend. Martini time at Jerz place, so later y'all

BIGBARNEYCARS - is that metal polishing shop still in biznez?
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