For Sale 70 Fury Rough But May Go Cheap

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Generally Copart auctions are no reserve I Believe. Don't think there will be a bidding frenzy on this one so it may go for less than $500.
They have a 4dr 71 Custom and a 2dr 72 Newport on their sire too!
Chris and Carsten, you guys are killing me! I am trying to sell cars, not get more of them!! You both already know why I call my place the "asylum". I sold Bob Baker one of my 70 Sport Furys, a rare Brougham model with virtually every option available on those cars including auto-temp. Maybe he could use it.
Chris and Carsten, you guys are killing me! I am trying to sell cars, not get more of them!! You both already know why I call my place the "asylum". I sold Bob Baker one of my 70 Sport Furys, a rare Brougham model with virtually every option available on those cars including auto-temp. Maybe he could use it.

Well Steve if you're trying to sell cars you know I will take a certain Black wagon off your hands! :eek:ccasion14:
Steve this blue Fury has a blue interieur, too.
And the sports roof. And no v-top. It deserves it to stay alive.

If you need space: I can take care of blue car, too.

As you can see Chris and I are willing to help you:icon_basketball:
Well, I have not yet said I will sell everything! Yeah, I know exactly which ones you guys are lusting after! And you guys aren't the only ones!! :BangHead:
Generally Copart auctions are no reserve I Believe. Don't think there will be a bidding frenzy on this one so it may go for less than $500.

That's incorrect. You can definitely put a minimum bid when selling at Copart. It even states "Seller Reserve not yet met". It's some dealer fishing for completely unrealistic prices.
When buying off of that site, don't you have to pay some rediculous fees to have someone authorized to buy it for you?
Steve we (I) have at least to try:eek:ccasion14:

If I were you guys on the other side of the fence, I would be doing exactly the same thing! I wish there were more of those cars around so we could all enjoy! It can't hurt to try and sometimes, you never know...........................................

If I were you guys on the other side of the fence, I would be doing exactly the same thing! I wish there were more of those cars around so we could all enjoy! It can't hurt to try and sometimes, you never know...........................................


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