70 Polara - The way I like them

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If Stan comes where will he park his rental?

That's a great idea if he has a rental. Or if he comes on the the economy plan, one of us can pick up Stan at BWI or Harrisburg airport.
Thats a good deal, Mark is only a few steps from the fairgrounds.

I might even be able to scare up a stray cat for ya........and there is nothing like hanging out after 5 pm @ the fairgrounds and throwing a few back
"we will be parking on the red showfield"

not me........prob will still be looking for a car by then
Mark, does your house border one of the fences at Carlisle?

no, it's not quite that close.....i'm less than a mile away though, and i know where to park to avoid having to pay someone. i used to walk down, but you get mighty tired after walking down, then all around, then you end up calling for the wife to come pick you up as you are to tired to walk home.
well then

You better not I cant handle it

you need to fidn me one that fits my criteria.......should be easy, you know where most of them are and what they have and what cond they are in.

tell them to bring the car and title to carlisle!
you need to fidn me one that fits my criteria......QUOTE]

You can buy new Chargers and Challengers now...... Maybe not to long before Chrysler offers brand new Monaco convertibles.... with a warrenty....!

I wouldn't hold my breath for that...did you see the so called "new Dodge Dart"?

There. I fixed it.
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