and you can park @ my house for free
Ummmmmmm.... I'm pretty sure all of us will be parking on the red showfield.
and you can park @ my house for free
If Stan comes where will he park his rental?
Thats a good deal, Mark is only a few steps from the fairgrounds.
and you can park @ my house for free
Mark, does your house border one of the fences at Carlisle?
You better not I cant handle it"we will be parking on the red showfield"
not me........prob will still be looking for a car by then
You better not I cant handle it
you need to fidn me one that fits my criteria......QUOTE]
You can buy new Chargers and Challengers now...... Maybe not to long before Chrysler offers brand new Monaco convertibles.... with a warrenty....!
you need to fidn me one that fits my criteria......QUOTE]
You can buy new Chargers and Challengers now...... Maybe not to long before Chrysler offers brand new Monaco convertibles.... with a warrenty....!
I wouldn't hold my breath for that...did you see the so called "new Dodge Dart"?