For Sale 71 imp parts or whole on craigslist

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Dec 10, 2012
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robbed of it's heart


440 and 727 are missing. I have a good running 400 BB and 727 auto that goes with the car. Some rust in lower rear quarters. A project for sure but one worth saving in my opinion. Drive shaft and a radiator are included. 1800.00 cash, will take quality bang sticks, silver, or cash. oregon title.
Maybe the guy had some Satellite from 72&up, took the 400 out and throwed the 440 in?

Kasper jump up it needs to be saved

Maybe the guy had some Satellite from 72&up, took the 400 out and throwed the 440 in?

Kasper jump up it needs to be saved


Yeah Carsten, you are absolutely right.. I really really should, and I feel bad.. bordering on "evil" not to save it, but I can't, for several reasons.

The storage:
The property where I had rented storage space got sold 2015.01.01.. and I was kicked out, so I had to move both my running Charger, and my non running 300 home to my own garage, which means that I have NO space for non rolling projects. I have advertised like crazy both online and by posters to find a new place, but NO luck so far.

The time:
Even if I had the space, I don't have the time. I am on my second year of building my business, so I work every possible hour (and then some), as it is now.. This means that I wouldn't have the needed time to source out parts, nor the work hours to put in the project. 10 years ago, I didn't even think of this time factor, as in my mind, my cars would always have the right of way (time), but in reality, I already have my '69 300 vert still waiting for the time and attention it needs, to get back on the road. The 300 is going to be 100% labor of love, as I am already in money wise, for more than three times it's current value.. even here in Denmark. I really wish it was different, but I don't have time for another project right now. As soon as the 300 is done, I will be on the lookout to save another C, even before, if the right one shows up, and I got some decent place to store it by then.

The car:
When I saw the 1000 Dollar '71 2-door here a few months back, it looked a WHOLE lot better than this one. It had black buckets (which I love very much), it was in a nice color, and even the condition looked to be great, and it didn't even look like it needed paint. It gave me the general impression, that I could buy and install a crate engine and a new transmission, and be back on the road with a few days (turning out to be weeks) work, so that one.. I would have jumped on/in, while this one.. has a lot going against it, such as color (in my taste, sorry Maroon guys), bench, general condition and looks like it needs a few WEEKS of work (turning out to be MONTHS).. but still, I feel H O R R I B L E not to save it, and I hope that someone will open their garage door, and let it in.

Something I don't like much about this car, is the GREEN driver floor pan.. indicating the presence of some form of "flora".. which we all know needs water to form, which again corrodes metal..! It's hard for me, even to distinguish if there's a carpet in the car, or not.. I cant seem to spot the "under pedal rubber patch" ?

In order for flora to even start grow in in a plant hostile environment such as a car, it needs to be moist for extended periods of time, which again points to corrosion. I am not a professor in various forms of plant life, (especially not in Oregon), but here.. where I come from, it's BAD news... I took this picture at a junk yard in Sweden.

plant car.jpg

I would have inserted a SAD smiley here, but I didn't find any, looking sad enough !

plant car.jpg
maybe the window of the Imp was down for a while and resulted in growing flowers on the carpet?
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