73 2dr. Newport

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Old Man with a Hat
Jan 22, 2012
Reaction score
Pleasant Hill, CA
Feedback: 0 / 0 / 0
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Call me or email me this is the "most eye turning classic a man" could drive. In excellent condition. take it for a spin with no obligation 702-336-5100

Do we have any men here...?

Indeed, it is a sickness. I've been accosted more than once with someone asking if I wanted to purchase 26" rims for my car. My response is always tailored to what part of town I happen to be in at that particular moment.
Indeed, it is a sickness. I've been accosted more than once with someone asking if I wanted to purchase 26" rims for my car. My response is always tailored to what part of town I happen to be in at that particular moment.
Like what, no thanks Holmes?
Like what, no thanks Holmes?

"No thanks Holmes"............jeez.

If it is a particularly nice and civilized area I may extol a few pleasantries and then I would merely go on about my private business. Be the area a bit more, shall we say....unsavory?, my response might be a tad bit more harsh, as it seems to be difficult for the denizens who inhabit these areas to except the answer of no. Negative answers are not lightly turned away thus it is preferable to keep the keys in the ignition and motor running.
wheels are ugly. Did I mention 73 Chryslers look like hitting a wall
Must be talking about Camden

Ha! You too???

I was at little Caesars pizza when I swore things were gonna get very ugly over a set of stupid rims. EVERY word that came off my tongue was thoroughly calculated to the nth degree before being uttered.
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