A numbers matching 318 adds about. $1.98 to the car's value over a non-matching 318.
That said, I would take a pass on any original SB car that had a BB put in it because there's a 99% chance it wasn't done properly.
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Numbers matching is getting harder to find. To many its just that, original. I wouldn't be to hyped up about a original engine in a 383 car unless it was a survivor or a nice original car...to some like me it means a lot
I understand. I just think the "numbers matching" thing is thrown around far to much these days. As if the worth of said vehicle is tripled simply b/c it still has the original drive train. 1967 Plymouth Hemi GTX, yea I can see that. 1970 Plymouth 318 Fury...mmm not so much. Too many people watching too much Barrett-Jackson.
What FI system are you considering? Holley Pro Injection???
You know that 440 I just dragged home? Now leaning heavily toward going F.I.
Appropriate or not appropriate for my '76 NYB? I want to do it so that the engine looks as factory as possible had there been a F.I. 440 in '76. Right down to keeping the stock air cleaner housing.
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