A Dangerous "Sport"!

68PK21 440.6bbl

Old Man with a Hat
Nov 29, 2017
Reaction score
Siren City FL.
This 'Sport' don't look all that dangerous now do it eh?

Open it all up and jam yourself into a crowded stadium too watch & cheer on some stooopid 'Game'. Go ahead...

The latest from Lockk9 TT Racing.

ah not in today's world I feel I have a death wish just going into the grocery store to get my substance to live.

Latest example at WallyWorld is these greeters that do the count as you enter and ask "How are you" expecting a chit-chat response. Is this the covert plan to weed out the sickies?
"No I feel like I'm the walking dead, cough cough... CALL THE COVID GESTAPO!".

How about just Welcome To WalMart... (if you have a mask on... oops dirty homemade rag)
Dumbasses when you speak you spew more germs, not just for Covid but for the common cold, it's been on the news with scientific videos, even our Governor mentioned it.
Unbelievable, since they've been cooped up with their little darling devil spawns for two weeks they feel the need to social interact with their peers and since they are wearing a who knows how fresh/sterile, certified/homemade mask, social distancing is out the window.

One of the bonus we get now is we have used masks littering our sidewalks and parking lots. They out number the used syringes 6 to 1... so that mab'be a gud thing.

I go through the self checkout *NEW* corralling and stop and wait for a clusterfluck of three or four WallyWorlders to get out of my way. Now these are none of the usual people I see at my local Ghettoville WalMart, they gotta be new hires (will go into that later, ha ha) One blond woman has her mask pulled down on her chin and says hello or good day, I ignore her and barge on by to a open self checkout biting my lip refraining from a witty comment. I guess she thinks I'm having a bad day and 'feels the need' to come over and cheer me up and gets in my face (not social distance) and say's "I said how are you today sir?" to which I replied "Is that the correct way to wear that flucking mask?" she responded "Oh I just pulled it down a second ago". I think when I responded with "You got pretty long seconds here'" is when she finally got it through here thick scull I didn't wanna chit-chat with her.

This was all after having to dodge through a pretty crowded store where no one was social distancing or following the one way arrows in the aisles. At one point of following the one way arrows to get to this hide and seek (constant shelf shuffling) of what I want to buy I meet this fairly attractive woman wearing a different WalMart shirt, you know looked to be 'Corporate', when she asked if I was finding everything OK, I was just waiting for this moment just like the John McGuinness's brickie story moment:

I told her very bluntly, "Yea I'm finding plenty of empty shelves, you got all fecking GD night to stock the shelves... why am I finding stock people and carts of stock cluttering up the aisles and refusing to social distance from me?" I didn't even wait for a lame azz 'Corporate' response, I just turned the corner and went on my one way lap.

Now about the new hires, I see on one of the tables a couple of stand-up signs saying that they are hiring and it was like "Start Work Today" too. Laff guess the regular workers are bailing out on the covid sickness/unemployment dole.
Well it didn't take long to see what kind of shitshow working for them would be like as I rounded the corner into the produce section here is some fella, not as old and grey as me but no young buck either, wras'lin a hand pallet jack with a load of 20'ish pound bags of ice stacked 'bout up to my chest through a crowded store full of people around mid-morning.
Now I didn't spend long in the store and on my way out I saw that he finally made it over to the opposite side of the store to fill the 2 stand-up ice chests which were about half full and it didn't look like he had taken much off the top which meant he was going to have to drag half the load back to wherever he came from. That's electric ride on forklift type work to be done on the third shift. fluck'in stooopid.

Same goes for the younger guy I come upon in the water jug aisle, hand pallet jack stacked high with him un-boxing gallon jugs of water and placing them one by one on the shelves. These are the type of shelves he was hand placing them on, ooops they can't electric forklift the stuff on the shelves because of the narrow placement/design no room to maneuver.


I take it these are the empty bulk toilet paper shelves... but I can't remember as these shelves have been empty for many months well before all the crazy virus buying started.

Then you get the 'deer in the headlight shoppers' you know the ones... it's like they have never shopped at a grocery before ever in they're lifetime, staring at a shelf trying to figure out what they want.
I had to get milk, didn't really wanna go out but I was starting to dip into my hurricane milk for coffee. Go to the milk wall... middle age guy standing back staring at the milk, OK I'm not in a hurry but after 60 seconds of no movement I just yelled at him "Hey mate, take a feck'in picture with your phone and go outside to study it and figure out what you want, IT'S FUK"IN MILK!"

I'm surprised I haven't been trespassed from the store. he he.

But on a positive note, it seems that my 1 star bad Google review of the Sav-A-Lot in the hood worked as I stopped in there when I was foraging for a couple of Dollar Tree items that I wanted and it's sort of right next door. There were only 3 people in the store in the afternoon, no problem social distancing, Larry The Cable Guy ribs shelf was empty, as were a couple of other items that I use to buy in bulk (MIA thus the bad review) but I got a pretty full cart to make the trip worthwhile and low an behold the Jump-O-Lean place next door was shuttered up, so I didn't have to dodge any screaming monkeys in the parking lot! I've been waiting for that 'FAD' place to fold up... but wait, as I was driving out I see a big banner sign saying they were moving over to the strip mall a mile or so down on the boulevard where this other (late to the party) fad jump-o-rama I take it went belly up.

I welcome the empty store blight back... LOL
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I knew how I'd ride and never got a motorcycle as much as I may have wanted to.

Good thing they had that music overdubbing that film. That way you couldn't hear their steel nuts clanking on the fuel tank!:rofl:

Crazy stuff right there! Kudos to them!:thumbsup::thumbsup:
Got to go to the Isle of Man in '95. Two weeks of incredible sensory overload for a motorcycle gearhead such as myself. I raced AMA Champion Cup Series road racing here but cannot imagine pushing it to the limits and beyond on the streets, like on the Isle. That's real roadracing!!!
Snicking up thru the gears on wide open throttle, hitting the mark and getting hard on the brakes and "backing" the bike into a corner. Hitting the apex and back on the gas as the bike slides and wiggles as it's trying to hook up is awesome!!!
I bought one of the 1st 250 Penton's produced that was imported to the states in the early '70s by KTM when Jack Penton went to bed with them. A dealer had it over in Holand, Mi. and ran the Jack Pine with it that year. Shortened the Bars from 36" to 30" to run easier thru' the trees. 'Til I got used to it that Pipey Beast wanted to keep making right turns when I twisted the wick, lmao. He'd put a quick turn throttle on it. Had to change that widowmaker too. Jer
“There are only three sports: bullfighting, motor racing, and mountaineering; all the rest are merely games.”

― Ernest Hemingway
Henk Poorte ; good friend of my older brother was world champion enduro in 1984.
That year the six-days was hold here in the Netherlands , very muddy that week , he,s a master in these weth conditions.
I think he was 10 times Dutch champion.
[QUOTE="68PK21 440.6bbl,

Latest example at WallyWorld [/QUOTE]

Anybody still going to Wal Mart these days has no room to complain. A large percentage of both customers and employees there are running a quart short on common sense.
But there are a lot of employees hanging on to a job who don't like being there either. They have no control over store policies or inventory. You should be grateful to them for just being there, not trying to make their lives more miserable.
Don't like it.... Don't go there. I don't patronize Wal Mart in the good times. Nothing there I can't get somewhere else, and likely better. :soapbox:

There. I feel better now.
You should be grateful to them for just being there, not trying to make their lives more miserable.

IMO they can all F'off and be replaced by robots as far as I'm concerned.
A little bit of info from a old friend that works at a Temp agency, a lot of the stock people are temps from his agency, he charges WalMart $26.00 an hour per temp and this is information a decade old and could be higher today. Most of the ones I come across are standing around chatting amongst themselves or playing with their phone. A lot of them are convicted felons too, one temp I came across that I knew was a registered sex offender and when I confronted him about it and said I was going to inform the manager, he just laughed and said "Go right ahead". sheeeech

This robot doesn't give me a hard time, while it wont move out of my way it does stop right quick. (they have done away with the beeping sound BTW)

This ain't just WalMart other stores are the same, it's just the slack work attitude of a younger generation.

2 Dutch riders who also were famous in the USA...…..
Pierre Karsmakers and Gerrit Wolsink ( King of Carlsbad ...5 times winner).
That type of racing looks really fun!
Crotch rockets are awesome!
The video makes me wanna go get mine out for it's spring warm up.