A family picture


Old Man with a Hat
Jul 4, 2012
Reaction score
Central Oklahoma
I took the Imperial to its first Cars and Coffee gathering this morning! Man, does that car drive nice! Smooth as glass, very quiet, with no rattles or noises. Just like an Imperial should, right?

After I brought it home, I decided it was time for a little "family portrait" with the Imperial, the NYBS and the Coronet all together. I wish the skies had been overcast, but you can't have everything! Do enjoy!

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Imperial at cnc01.jpg
I'll roll my pair of '68 D100 Swepty trucks out next, soon as I get the 318 timing assembly installed in the lowered truck. Last time I had it running, it jumped time on me, so it's been sitting for a bit now. Gotta jump on that so that'll make all five of the old Mopars running and driving.
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Nice family, but you should have made the bookends both yellow.:toothy9:

Maybe another day, with the convertible top up and all of the windows up. Both the Imperial and the Coronet turn 50 the first week of September! The Coronet was built 1 September 1965 and the Imperial was built on 7 September 1965! I'm taking both to the Cars-n-Coffee on September 1st, and I'm going to have a big "I turn 50 today!" banner in both windshields. Should be fun!
The Coronet is a 361 car, with auto and 3.23 SG rear.

Since I've owned the Coronet since 1980, and am the second owner, I'd have to say the Coronet is my favorite of the three.
That is a great looking fleet. Quite a garage you have there too. Great color combo on the Coronet & Imperial. 061.jpg063.jpg


The Coronet is a 361 car, with auto and 3.23 SG rear.

Since I've owned the Coronet since 1980, and am the second owner, I'd have to say the Coronet is my favorite of the three.

Not to hijack but I agree 100%. We have a '66 500 383-4 convertible, '66 440 383-4 2dr HT and two '66 Chargers. They are all great cars though. I really like the quality of the larger car's interiors compared to the b cars. Sometimes I wish the C's were two feet shorter lol.