A formal apology!

furyus 67

Senior Member
Feb 11, 2015
Reaction score
Flint Michigan
After going thru and re-reading some of my posts! Holy sh$t. You guys must think I'm mildly retarded. 99% of my post are from this damn phone with its sometimes wonderful other times WTH autocorrects! So for those that get a headache trying to make sense of what I typed..... I do apologize!
We all look retarded with that EFN autocorrect.
I have to go back and do an edit on almost every post!:BangHead:
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And I thought you wanted to apologize for putting formal Cs down.
I hate formals, there you go, a contrary voice is heard. Let the assassination begin, just make it quick and painless.
I did apologize for that! 'Twas poor humor. But again sorry! I like the formals,hell I like em all! I surely didn't mean to insult anyone.

So you really did that? I was just kidding.:laughing4: I wouldn't want to own one but they grew a Little more on me through the dedicated members around here.
So you really did that? I was just kidding.:laughing4: I wouldn't want to own one but they grew a Little more on me through the dedicated members around here.
I may have implied that going from a Honda to formal was a logical path. Kidding of course!