A friends private collection


Old Man with a Hat
Mar 9, 2011
Reaction score
Alabama Gulf Coast
My buddy Jim offered to help me with the disc brake conversion on Jazebelle so I rode up to his place in Tenn and took him up on his offer. I had not see him since last summer so it was a good chance to visit.
He has a great place tucked away south of Crossville, and a wife who fixes bisquits to die for.
I drove the 180 miles Monday and we were able to have the conversion done by that evening. Tues morning we blead the calipers and the brakes work great.

He has nice wooded property with a bunch of C body parts cars as well as several other vehicles. I wandered around and shot some pictures ....... And thought y'all might enjoy seeing.

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Hey, I recognize them wheelz on that bussle back Imp. If it'z been converted it'z ah keeper and ah real nice road car. If it hasn't it'z ah partz donor for one that haz. Just curious Will. What partz got used for conversion? My '70 Hurst came with 'um up front, Jer
hey, i recognize them wheelz on that bussle back imp. If it'z been converted it'z ah keeper and ah real nice road car. If it hasn't it'z ah partz donor for one that haz. Just curious will. What partz got used for conversion? My '70 hurst came with 'um up front, jer

what .......?

interesting collection.. I wouldn't mind having the tail lights off that Monaco.. :)
I agree, that Power Wagon is interesting. The bed alone is a great find!
Damn...I wish I had a yard littered with C-Bodies! LOL!
Is he looking to sell parts..

Yeah ...... He will sell a part if he dosen't have a need for it.

Jim's getting up in age and just had back surgery so he's moving a little slow these days. He's also totally electronic challanged .... so no cell phones, computors etc.
Pm me if you are interested in something and i'll hook you up with him.
