A message from SGT FURY


Senior Member
Nov 18, 2019
Reaction score
Northern California
Hey all, I went from record rainfall flooding. to…..
It’s dried up,but now the fire department wants to do house to house fire and safety inspections !!!!!!!
A reason to search your property without a warrant.
Sooooooo- I’ve been pretty busy rearranging things!!!
I don’t have anything to hide,but a lot to sweep under the rug. If you know what I mean.
I have a few pending deals here. Haven’t meant to ghost anybody.
I just have get threw this intrusive inspection.
I will be a bit busy short term.
Thanks fo patience.
Hey Ken

Sure, get everything in order first. Thank you for your explanation. I was sure there was a valid reason why you didn't reply to my PM.
Hey all, I went from record rainfall flooding. to…..
It’s dried up,but now the fire department wants to do house to house fire and safety inspections !!!!!!!
A reason to search your property without a warrant.
Sooooooo- I’ve been pretty busy rearranging things!!!
I don’t have anything to hide,but a lot to sweep under the rug. If you know what I mean.
I have a few pending deals here. Haven’t meant to ghost anybody.
I just have get threw this intrusive inspection.
I will be a bit busy short term.
Thanks fo patience.

Wait! What? Oh. You live in California. Never mind. . .
This is the first time they have done this with residential housing that I know of in my area. In a different county a guy I know had a bunch of dry berry vines covering his property.
Fire department rolled through and told him that he had to remove the vines and his car collection. A bunch of 70/71 Torino GTs,429cj,shaker cars.
I removed some scrap metal for him and offered to remove vines with bobcat for $75 a hour.
He wanted to do it himself by hand and was out there on a 100 degree day chopping vines when he had a stroke and died in the berry vine patch……

I will admit that I have over done it here and have been long overdue for a good clean up.
With all the massive wildfires
in the past years some fire prevention is much needed.

I much support the police and fire department, however when it comes to (defunding) it does not apply to any of the code enforcement agencies.
They are to self funded.
When it comes to crime issues,if
your a homeless, immigrant, junkie you are golden and untouchable.
If you are a home owning classic car (junkie) then you’re in trouble……..
The business in my area routinely get inspected for fire code violations,but residential?
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Im always seeing helicopters and drones circling……….

My favorite part in Goodfellas movie is in the end when he realizes that they were really following him and he wasn’t just imagining it!







I will admit that I have over done it here and have been long overdue for a good clean up.
With all the massive wildfires
in the past years some fire prevention is much needed.
So what's your complaint then?
Ok! But first you have to tell me what kind classic Chrysler product you actually own?
Tell me why you are on this site
about C bodies?