A steal at $22K.

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A Florida car with no A/C?

He needs to knock a digit off both ends of that price!
Left hand crank with push button start?? $22,000.00??????
A Florida car with no A/C?
It WAS an A/C car. That engine bay looks Micky Mouse...

"Repainted to original color "Money Green" .....

That says it all I think.
"....needs repairing"
I don't like to criticize other peoples cars, especially C-bodies, and it is a nice car, but IMO at that price nothing should "need repairing" and nothing should be missing.
"needs repairing"
I don't like to criticize other peoples cars, especially C-bodies, and it is a nice car, but IMO at that price nothing should "need repairing" and nothing should be missing.

I'm rather reluctant myself, but if things are compeltely blown out of proportion....
"....needs repairing"
I don't like to criticize other peoples cars, especially C-bodies, and it is a nice car, but IMO at that price nothing should "need repairing" and nothing should be missing.
When people say "needs (future perfect) anything (verb-past tense)" drives me a tad bonkers.
It is: "... needs to be repaired"!
School systems suck big time now.
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The sad part is, that car fits right in down here with all the others for sale. People around here think their cars are worth a ton!! Then get easily offended when you offer them a realistic price.

One of the first mopar guys I ran into down here had some engines for sale. He had several big blocks needing rebuilding. He wanted 5k-15k for core engines!! It was insane!! But nothing new....
One of the first mopar guys I ran into down here had some engines for sale. He had several big blocks needing rebuilding. He wanted 5k-15k for core engines!!
Mopar Charlie, right?
Mopar Charlie, right?

No, this guy was a yocal... Name was Al. He had a '74 dart sitting for sale in the front yard. Stopped to check it out, and he showed me around his place.. Had some cool stuff, but wanted STUPID $$ for everything as mentioned above.
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