Looked at a few year old 235x75x15 in the pole barn that's never been on the ground and found that it's more then just ah few yearz old, Like 9 yearz and 8 months. The other 4 are in Pennsylvania on the Batwagon about to be driven 100 miles to Carlisle and another 450 to Michigan after the Mopar Show, NOTAH After a few suggestions from knowing people(thanks to those who responded privatly) and a couple dayz research and times running out', I find two companys that still produce that size in a reasonably narrow white wall. Coker and Diamondback I had 4 from Summit shipped yesterday to my car-bud in Philadelphia to have 'um switched, balanced and the lug nutz waxed. AAARRRGGGHHHH, Are we havin' fun yet?:rant:Jer