And now the mass seeding begins.

We don't take care of the people we have!!! Don't take care of our veterans,elderly,children or any others!!!! Man I'm tellin ya!!! Sorry I'll keep my Christian values from no one. I love my country and BACON and I'll be giving neither up for anybody!!
Well when the time comes I'll be on the side of the road with a sign that reads" Have ammo....will travel!!
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The US Gov't has been sending these "refugees" from the ME now for at least three years, en masse. They are strategically sending them to areas that have had no such infiltration in the past - Boise, Greenville, Tuskegee, and many more towns and cities; and you are not hearing a word from the bought-and-paid-for media.
I live in farm country where most people don't stand for any BS about having to change their ways. The big liberal populated areas that feel they need to cave to the newest groups demands is what worries me. Too many guns out in the sticks for some foreigner to impose their will on others.
A lot of churches in my area are putting up signs saying:
I researched it and it is an excellent example of a planned infiltration and mass seeding.
Secret planting of up to 75,000 Syrian Muslims begins in U.S.

Jade Helm 15 explained