For Sale Another STOLEN C-BODY report in OK

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Probably the same ******* who stole a trailer is now running around grabbing these cars !!!!


You know, I wouldn't put that past anyone. Hopefully, the thief gets in a horrific, fiery crash that leaves him paralyzed and burned over 90% of his body. And then he gets to live a few months in terrible agony. Piss on thieves. Damn crackheads, tweekers, methheads and people just too damn lazy to go out and actually WORK for the money to buy things.
Agreed Patrick66! Seems like a lot of classic/muscle cars have been stolen as of late. Saw a red 66 or 67 Charger that had been stolen a couple weeks ago and was stripped and left for dead, as well as a yellow 70 Road Runner from the Mopar nats.
You know, I wouldn't put that past anyone. Hopefully, the thief gets in a horrific, fiery crash that leaves him paralyzed and burned over 90% of his body. And then he gets to live a few months in terrible agony. Piss on thieves. Damn crackheads, tweekers, methheads and people just too damn lazy to go out and actually WORK for the money to buy things.
Lol Please M.R Patrick keep the angry tirades coming, They are So dam funny!
You know, I wouldn't put that past anyone. Hopefully, the thief gets in a horrific, fiery crash that leaves him paralyzed and burned over 90% of his body. And then he gets to live a few months in terrible agony. Piss on thieves. Damn crackheads, tweekers, methheads and people just too damn lazy to go out and actually WORK for the money to buy things.

And then assaulted mercilessly and repeatedly by a gay rapist for his remaining days!!!
The 66 Charger has been recovered. Be prepared for the sad pictures. Before and after...



Yea just makes me sick. Feel bad for the owner. Wonder if it will be put back together.
Not sure about the Charger. I would imagine it gets fixed but, who knows? The '70 Yellow Runner stolen from the Nats has not been recovered as far as I know. Also, let's not forget about Papa John's Camaro being stolen from Woodward along with some of the other cars from the Detroit area. Anyways, the question begs who the heck stills a C-Body? No offense but, these cars aren't really $$$ other than the drivetrain. They're worth a little in scrap and the bumpers are worth a little to the derby crowd. Still not a ton of $$$ compared.
Not car-related, but a theft. Years ago a former co-worker went off to college for photography. She had a project due for mid-terms but her camera was broken. Sent her my old Pentax K-1000 that I got in high school, nothing fancy or valuable, but it worked great.

One of her roommates decided it would be cool to have a party before Christmas break. A local scumbag arrived and at some point late in the evening cleaned out their apartment of anything he could sell. Including my old camera.

Even though the cops knew who did it, I never got my camera back. But a year or two later, the guy was decapitated in a car wreck.

So sometimes it works out, even when it doesn't. That Charger is a whole lot better than some recoveries I've seen. You'd think they'd been attacked by a thousand piranha. Maybe a few wires dangling and the remains of the shell beaten to a pulp, graffiti, etc.

I'm sure these thieves had bad childhoods, someone said hurtful things, they didn't get a trophy, whatever...
Funny thing they left the steering wheel and instrument cluster from the looks.
Not car-related, but a theft. Years ago a former co-worker went off to college for photography. She had a project due for mid-terms but her camera was broken. Sent her my old Pentax K-1000 that I got in high school, nothing fancy or valuable, but it worked great.

One of her roommates decided it would be cool to have a party before Christmas break. A local scumbag arrived and at some point late in the evening cleaned out their apartment of anything he could sell. Including my old camera.

Even though the cops knew who did it, I never got my camera back. But a year or two later, the guy was decapitated in a car wreck.

So sometimes it works out, even when it doesn't. That Charger is a whole lot better than some recoveries I've seen. You'd think they'd been attacked by a thousand piranha. Maybe a few wires dangling and the remains of the shell beaten to a pulp, graffiti, etc.

I'm sure these thieves had bad childhoods, someone said hurtful things, they didn't get a trophy, whatever...

That's sucks. I like older cameras just because they look cool and the types of pictures they take. Anyways, if you want something you work for it. If you can't afford it right away and want it now then, that's why things like credit cards and loans exist for goods rather than stealing.
You know, I wouldn't put that past anyone. Hopefully, the thief gets in a horrific, fiery crash that leaves him paralyzed and burned over 90% of his body. And then he gets to live a few months in terrible agony. Piss on thieves. Damn crackheads, tweekers, methheads and people just too damn lazy to go out and actually WORK for the money to buy things.

Do you have an over abundance of crackheads,tweekers,methheads/lazy people in OK.? I find it humorous, and somewhat sad that you automatically assume these kind of people, stole your trailer,and these cars,while I agree that it f*%&@ing stinks when someone steals. And it hurts like hell, no way is it right, but the majority of these folks, wouldn't have the way or means to steal a trailer,[you mentioned these same people in your trailer tread] and why would they target a trailer that was so well secured in your back yard, they would go after a much easier target! Too bad about the cars also, more likely was an enthusiast like you or I who is a greedy selfish, individual with no integrity,etc. and may have known the owner. And it's human nature to seek revenge,but I believe these people will get what they deserve, you may not be around to see it. Or hear or know when.Whether it be karma or when they meet their maker. The important thing is you forgive so you can be forgiven.
When I was 13 I had my Bike stolen and My dad found out later is was by a Black Kid, Bad Sterotype yes but man did I hear some colorful language on that one lol. I half to find the humor in everything it helps with the Loss now if I had something really important Stolen from me I can see it being harder to find Solace in but at least you try. there is not much time on This planet I could go in the next 5 minutes so I like to make sure I left in Laughter and in Love. If you are going to Steal at least take something that is abandoned, not someone's Pride an joy they don't think how the Victim would feel just a Sad Part of our existence.
Patrick's trailer could have been used in the thefts of the two C bodies.
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