Senior Member
I have this hunk of Amethyst that weighs about 16 pounds. Curious to see what it may be valued at. Thanks for the input.
I'm sending this along also to my friend who collects those things.
How did you come by it and do you know the source?
Thanks Stan. Was worth the trade but not worth parting with.Got a reply. Between $250.00 and $450.00
That is called a geode. Geode - Wikipedia, the free encyclopediaI have this hunk of Amethyst that weighs about 16 pounds. Curious to see what it may be valued at. Thanks for the input.
What are the dimensions of it?
Dad says: " It's natural, (not irradiated to make it darker purple), and almost undoubtedly Brazilian. In my opinion, at wholesale, it's worth $100-$300. Prices have been up lately, so maybe closer to $250-$300."
P.S. My dad buys in wholesale where his contact gets those by the container full, so that may affect his opinion of value.