Any Other C-body Mopar Sites Out There?


Senior Member
Mar 8, 2019
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Hi everybody,

Just as the title says. I am wondering if there are anymore C-body Mopar sites out there besides this one, and not ones on Facebook as I am not a member and don't want to be. I know "The Dock" is no more as far as I know. I absolutely love this site, love the family/community here, and believe this is THE number site for our cars but was wondering if there are more that I could perhaps join. Anyone know of one or more?

Thanks Guys.
I almost feel guilty mentioning them, LOL, but there are a couple of sites that have C-body forums on them. I haven't joined them, but I do go over and look once in a while. One is Mopar Forums, which has a c-body section. Mopar Style has a C-body/R-body forum, IIRC. I haven't gone over there for a long time. AFAIK, people still are posting on the Dock. It's just very few, one or two per week, if that. That said, I like it here. This site is very active. There's lots of knowledgeable people on here. If you need help here it doesn't take three weeks before someone responds to you.
I spend a lot of time on moparts, for complete hobby needs since I do a lot more than c body Sunday cruising
I believe that Mopar Style has re-formed as Mopar Web"? Not a lot of member activity, from what I've seen. "The Dock" can still be accessed, but most of the activity has greatly slowed, from prior times, it seems.

Used to be that every Internet Portal (as Yahoo! and similar) had a group of car forums. Some were active, but some were used more as a "bulletin board" for people to converse with each other, by observation. Some were better than others, all with the same purpose. I suspect some still exist.

Otherwise, there are still many individual websites on C-body Chrysler products. Many tributes to a particular model year and model, which is neat. Some have become a little dated in more recent times, though. Still possibly some good information.
