Any Vodka fans?


Senior Member
Jun 17, 2012
Reaction score
Middleburg, FL
I treated myself to a little gift tonight. Wanted to get a bottle for a long while, but could never justify the price. Had a few bucks today, and figured WTH. Its founded by Dan aykroyd. Stuff is not cheap!! I'm not a vodka man. I'll keep to my Beam, and coke. But this stuff is pretty good! Not sure if its really $50 good.... Admittedly, I bought it more for the bottle, and also for being an aykroyd fan.

I'd still recommend it though! Comes with a little recipe booklet, with some that look VERY good. Might have to go buy some of the ingredients, and give it a whirl! I've only had it with cranberry juice, with lime, as well as a few bare shots.
I have always been a strictly bourbon and tequila guy when drinking spirits. However, by accident, I bought a vodka that was not what I was looking for. The one I wanted is made at the old NAS Alameda base and is called Hanger 1 vodka and reputed to be excellent. I instead bought Blue Ice an American potato vodka. It is excellent and I am able to drink it straight from the freezer. At $20 a bottle it can't be beat.

I predict huge first time sales for the decanter alone. Big falloff thereafter for repeat sales due to the price and novelty unless they offer a cheaper version in a normal, cheaper bottle.

I may try some Vodka soon and I've been thinking of trying some really good quality Tequila one of these days.

I like Aykroyd too ... "Jane you ignorant slut ... "



That is a cool bottle (decanter?). Sammy Hagar has his brand as well, made in Maui.
My doctor told me that I could have one drink or one glass of red wine daily to improve my heart health. Since I'm closing in on'll be more of an evening relaxation and reflection event. He suggested this if I can swing it (he drinks ONE every day).

You should also think about rum! I love rum.


That's the one I'm drinking at the moment. Awesome!

Best recipe for Vodka ever...........take your blender, add 2 double fists full if ice cubez, add 6 oz's of limeade and 6 oz's of vodka and give it ah worl 'til you can't hear anymore ice chunkz bein' hit by the bladez. Pour into 2 12oz glasses and go sit on the patio with your best friend, be it he or she and enjoy the best slushy you ever put ah lip-lock on. Limit 2 or yer tongue getz too fat tah talk. Me and my best friend been callin' 'um LIMIEZ fer 'bout 50 yearz now, Jer
Can anyone recommend the (1) smoothest, (2) blend Scotch in the world.
I bought a 40 year old scotch once (it was a tax return. Said WTH) and it tasted like honey. You metered it out with an eyedropper.
No longer available.
Need it again.
Any suggestions?
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I'm not into Scotch, but a friend of mine is. He told me you should try Scapa 14y. It's a single malt, but worth the try he said!
Mad Dog!!!

I guaranty the night will end up in brawl. LOL!!!!
Then a pancake house run in the morning.
Can anyone recommend the (1) smoothest, (2) blend Scotch in the world.
I bought a 40 year old scotch once (it was a tax return. Said WTH) and it tasted like honey. You metered it out with an eyedropper.
No longer available.
Need it again.
Any suggestions?

Ask Frank Gallagher....on Showtime's show "Shameless"

I ran across this the other day while looking for a fine wine to share with special friends around a barrel fire ......

lmao....this brings back memories of my first trip to states when a teen hittin local 7-11...forgotten memmories...thanx :O)
I predict huge first time sales for the decanter alone. Big falloff thereafter for repeat sales due to the price and novelty unless they offer a cheaper version in a normal, cheaper bottle.

I may try some Vodka soon and I've been thinking of trying some really good quality Tequila one of these days.

I like Aykroyd too ... "Jane you ignorant slut ... "

Thats what I was wondering, but they have been in buisness since '08, and seem to be doing good. Dans been touring the country going to liquor store for signings. I wish he'd make his way down here! I'd say grab a bottle for the hell of it!

The price for that bottle is about $300. LOL!

Looks good! No way in hell I'd drop $300 on it though! lol

You should also think about rum! I love rum.

View attachment 36229

That's the one I'm drinking at the moment. Awesome!

That looks really good! I've been sipping on a black rum as well lately. Called Kraken. This stuff is pretty good as well!

Best recipe for Vodka ever...........take your blender, add 2 double fists full if ice cubez, add 6 oz's of limeade and 6 oz's of vodka and give it ah worl 'til you can't hear anymore ice chunkz bein' hit by the bladez. Pour into 2 12oz glasses and go sit on the patio with your best friend, be it he or she and enjoy the best slushy you ever put ah lip-lock on. Limit 2 or yer tongue getz too fat tah talk. Me and my best friend been callin' 'um LIMIEZ fer 'bout 50 yearz now, Jer

Did something like that with the crystal head today. One of the recipes on the card. Mix with ime juice, and ice in the blender. Dip the top of the glass in some sugar, and a slice of lime on top. No lime on mine, but DAMN was it good!!

Another one I would deff recomend is Jim beam Maple. Good lord I can't get enough of it! It really taste like maple syrup (pretty sweet). But damn mix with coke and theres an orgasm in a cup lol. I can't keep a lot of it around the house, or I get stupid....

Thats what I was wondering, but they have been in buisness since '08, and seem to be doing good. Dans been touring the country going to liquor store for signings. I wish he'd make his way down here! I'd say grab a bottle for the hell of it!

I looked for the skull today and they didn't have it. Will keep and eye out.