Anyone in upper NY State witness this Meteor Blast Dec 2nd?

Allrighty then... lets get to the good stuff!

Glad to see this Siberian is prepared for the Apocalypse! Sandals?


Yea, that happened right over our heads. My wife heard it and wondered what it was. I just figured it was the plow truck dropping its blade and never thought any more about it until we heard more later on.
Got to thinking about it and looked at the time and kind of put two and two together. I was outside getting the mail and the video was taken at 12:08, the time of the boom. I can't be 100% sure, but I think about 30 seconds in, you can hear the boom.

OK... Now, I was getting the mail... I also managed to fall on my face in the snow, so you can see that I'm covered with snow, and limping a tad more than usual. I was a little ticked off at the moment and you might even hear me yell at the dog to get out of the way. And before anyone starts, I fell in the yard, face first, and not in the driveway. It wasn't worth shoveling the driveway...

That certainly could have been it. Thanks.