At least he kept it original

Old car city .......... What a great place to spend an afternoon for a old car guy.

I've wandered the entire place and it's full of marvals and memories. I never paid though .... Just wandered through the front door and ended up back at the front after several hours of walking the maze. Wasp spray and a big stick is recommended, and walk loud. Theres lots of critters living in those old hulks.
Most of whats there is pretty well used up. but it's a treat to see.

I like the museum approch. It won't be long before places like this will be extinct. It's better then disneyland to me.
Will.....Did you hear any banjo's while you were there?

Kind of reminds me of Leon's junkyard in Culpepper, Virginia...



The article mentions that some people think the owner somehow "owes it to people" to sell the cars and parts so others can enjoy them. What a bunch of PC BS babble! "Spread the wealth" is so lefty-think nonsense! They are the OWNERS' private property! He can do what he wants with them! If letting them sit makes him happy, so be it. The guy is a hoarder. Deal with that fact.
The article mentions that some people think the owner somehow "owes it to people" to sell the cars and parts so others can enjoy them. What a bunch of PC BS babble! "Spread the wealth" is so lefty-think nonsense! They are the OWNERS' private property! He can do what he wants with them! If letting them sit makes him happy, so be it. The guy is a hoarder. Deal with that fact.

I'm guessing your pill hasen't kicked in yet ............ :poke:.

The owner, Dean, is a good ol boy who likes to kick back in his office, feet up on his desk, surrounded by all types of interesting stuff ..... and tell stories. He'll sell things, but dosen't need to and dosen't like to get in a hurry about it.
The place is like a time warp ......... Y'all need to go there.

And yes ...... He is a horder. Otherwise that treasure wouldn't be there.

old car city USA (Large).jpg

62 chrysler ny 59 Imperial (Large).jpg
I am scared the law enforcement will come one day and say "it is not good for the environment to have all these cars on the ground" and press him to clean up the yard.

Looks like a walk would be big fun.
I love old school junkyards.
