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Old Man with a Hat
Mar 9, 2011
Reaction score
Alabama Gulf Coast
Dang...... You guys don't mess around. I go away for a week and Marks gets his car.... Red sells his..... Ross buys it..... WHEW.....!

Less then a week back from Carlisle my father passed away in Michigan. Not totally unexpected, He was 93 and pretty healthy but has been slipping down hill since Mom passed three years ago, They were together for 64 years.

Ellie and I drove to Michigan and joined the family to celebrate their life together.
I stayed with a brother who lived in an area where I had no phone service, (including broadband for my laptop), so have been out of the loop for a week.
I apoligize to Matt..... I was planning to attend the Mopar swap at the Old Packard proving grounds right up to the day before. Sun morning came and I was wore out from the past 4 long days, plus it was 1 1/2 hours in the wrong direction. I tried calling but service...!

I was able to attend the Telegraph cruise with my brother and his 61 Chev BelAir..... It went on for three days..... I'll post some pics later.

Also ran up on a beautiful 73 Imp Lebaron..... Info in the cars for sale thread.

Good to be back.

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Condolences to your Dad's passing. He must of seen and experienced a lot of great things! He was part of the Greatest Generation.


Thanks for that Bob. He was a WW11 vet and received a full honor guard and 21 gun salute as part of the service.........

Your Dad earned it.

Did they provide a "live" bugler or the guy holding a fake bugle that played Taps?
Your Dad earned it.

Did they provide a "live" bugler or the guy holding a fake bugle that played Taps?

It was a "live" bugler...... very touching.

As the oldest remaining family member, and a Viet Nam vet, I was selected to receive his flag.... and 21 spent rifle shells.

ditto on Bob's comment...........I was able to take place in a ceremony for a veteran of WW2 for a man who passed a few yrs ago here in PA, and when they read his accomplishments while in the service I don't think there was a dry eye in the house. The part to take home from it, however, was the fact that most who knew him (some for over 50 yrs) never knew of most of it. He was very humble, like most of the men from that time.

Those who say our best days are ahead do not have a clue.........
It was a "live" bugler...... very touching.

As the oldest remaining family member, and a Viet Nam vet, I was selected to receive his flag.... and 21 spent rifle shells.

Salute to you too Will!


ditto on Bob's comment...........I was able to take place in a ceremony for a veteran of WW2 for a man who passed a few yrs ago here in PA, and when they read his accomplishments while in the service I don't think there was a dry eye in the house. The part to take home from it, however, was the fact that most who knew him (some for over 50 yrs) never knew of most of it. He was very humble, like most of the men from that time.

Those who say our best days are ahead do not have a clue.........

There's always that hope.....

But we can not forget the past and those that marched before we did!!!

Salute to Mark too!

For those of you that don't know......Mark served in Afghanistan too!


No, that was Iraq Bob! I went over to see i there were an old 'verts over there and stayed for awhile.

I'm sorry to read of your Dad's passing. Another one of the greatest generation is gone.
It was a "live" bugler...... very touching.

As the oldest remaining family member, and a Viet Nam vet, I was selected to receive his flag.... and 21 spent rifle shells.

Sorry for your loss. And thanks to both of you for your service.
Sorry we couldn't connect while you were here. I was hoping you'd make it up to my shop at least, you could have seen Marks car before he did.
I'm very sorry for your loss Will. By "Celebrating Their Life Together" it sound like you are dealing with it in a good way though. I'd also like to thank your dad for his great service to his country.
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Thanks to all that have served this great country, living and deceased, without you where would we be?