Belt orientation question

Isaiah Estrada

Well-Known Member
FCBO Gold Member
Jan 20, 2020
Reaction score
Santa Maria, CA
My NY was factory AC equipped. I will not be hooking the factory AC back up on this car. Instead, I plan on (in the future when I have more $$$) retrofitting the AC with a new Sanden compressor. My heater box is in the process of being rebuilt (by myself.)

Question is, I know there are some differences now in my belt orientation since I won’t be running an AC.

I have access to both styles of alternator bracket





Because the original setup utilizes an extra pulley (that won’t be used since not running the compressor) - simply doing away with the bracket won’t be that easy since now I will need some type of spacer for the alternator bracket that attaches to the pulley and into the water pump. So I was able to purchase the Non AC setup for a very good price. Knowing that this setup was for use without AC I figured it might be easier to use just that.

I know the water pump pulley is smaller, so I’ll need to probably get a smaller belt.

Thinking of running my belts just like this


Is there an issue with this on my setup? Steering pump is a large TRW with a flapper bracket. Crank has a 4 groove pulley. My alternator is 2 groove.

I tend to overthink things and go through many different scenarios in ny head but I just want to make sure I’m not hurting the engine or any of the accessories on it! I appreciate any help, info and suggestions. You are all truly what’s been keeping me busy with this New Yorker. Can’t wait to post that anticipated “SHE’S ALIVE” thread :)
You're good to run for now and some time. Shop the junkyards, eBay and the Forum for old pulleys with less grooves if it worries you. I was blessed enough to have a crank pulley with the extra, AC groove added on and held down by 3 of the 6 crank/balancer bolts, so shucking that off and putting in shorter bolts was easy. No harm came of running that extra weight on the balancer though. In truth, it likely helped keep it true, as when I shucked the extra groove, it went bad within a week after.

Be mindful of this little example if you lighten up the weight on an old balancer..... You may want to leave well enough be until you get ALL the hardware you might need. I had a couple more old balancers, one of which works alright, for now, and one more of the same lot which probably is OK, but just probably.