Big M auto wreckers annual pig roast BBQ Oct 1


Senior Member
Nov 18, 2019
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Northern California
Time again for for the annual pig roast BBQ car show at Big M auto wreckers in Willams Northern California Sat October 1
A real low profile event that draws 150 collector cars of all types. Great food,50s music.
BigM is collector car auto wrecker that specializes in mid 50s to early 60s finned cars of all makes.
Especially forward look Mopar’s
Last year I counted about 40+ 57/58 Plymouths
Big M has about a 900+ 50s60s cars in inventory and 1000s of pulled vintage west coast sheet metal,bumpers,engines,etc.
John has cleaned out many closing vintage yards of there cars and parts
Waaaay toooo much to look at in one day.
Very down to earth prices and selection
There are many project and builder cars F/S
I will be there in a 61 Plymouth coupe
Hope to see you there



It is kinda under the radar.
He has a Facebook page which I am not Facebook currently.
Here is his old website.
Try to make it,you won’t regret!!! It’s a great time.
Cars in show park in orchard next door.
No entry fees or admittance charged.
Big M Automotive
BBQ is tomarrow!!!! Just giving a reminder.
If you can make it. Toooo much to look at in one day. It’s the Mecca of FL. I will be there in this 61.
Will take lots pics.

Sad to say…..There was a fire at Big M auto today.
Not sure yet what the damage is.????
The house was lost. Not sure yet about cars….
Man, you gotta feel for John. Not the 1st time he has issues, he had a fire years ago at his old place I believe when he was in Reno. Plus a big flood in Williams about ten years ago. John is one of the nicest guys you will ever meet, willing to give you the shirt off his back.