Senior Member
Does anyone shop on black Friday? I would rather have my nails puller out with pliers than shop then. My wife and daughter go out. Insane.
I do my grocery shopping Friday mornings religiously.
If I go grocery shopping at Walmart at around 11:00 on Black Friday the grocery side is empty and for one day out of 365 all the registers are open.
Apparently the half of the County that camped out from the night before stripping the store bare of the B.F. blowouts within 8 ½ minutes after the doors opened, have gone home.
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The hell with black Friday all these damn stores are open on Thanksgiving day. My wife works at Michaels in the frame.shop and they are open 4pm to 2am, who are these a..holes that need to go shopping on Thanksgiving to all you idiots that would shop on Thanksgiving thanks for ruining mine. If you know one tell them thanks and go to hell from me. Happy Thanksgiving to the rest of you.