The problem with vasoline or grease is they are just another added coating that used incorrectly, increases resistance. Google the word "dielectric" and you'll understand.
Resistance is the enemy here. It causes heat and eventual failure of the circuit. It may not even happen at the connection.... It may happen somewhere else in the circuit due to the added resistance and the blame never comes back to the root cause. So many of the electrical problems associated with our cars comes back to corrosion and oxidation of electrical contacts. I always wonder how much money and time was spent on replacing things that really was the electrical connection... The wiring is unplugged/plugged back in and viola! It works and the replacement is called a success, but the real accomplishment was that plugging and unplugging the connector cut through the oxidation/corrosion and now the circuit works again... until the next time.
There are lubricants for connectors that are used in the electronic world, but really that isn't necessary for this use. The Deoxit is more for cleaning the connection and keeping it from corroding. Lubrication is just a bonus. The application of white vinegar, as was mentioned, will work too, as will many good contact cleaners. Anything to clean the corrosion is what is needed.
BTW, good contact cleaner, like used in tuners, does have a lubricant in it. I too have used enough of it.... LOL! I even still have my Dad's Sylvania tube tester!
Of course... they've made it contact cleaner so non-toxic that you can probably drink it.. and therefore doesn't work like the "old stuff". That got me switching to the Deoxit.
OK... I'll get off my soap box. I got a little long winded about a subject I've been giving some (perhaps too much) thought to lately. I need to get out more. LOL!