WANTED c body center console.

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67-70 C and B Consoles are the same. The lids sometimes are slightly different, such as woodgrain, etc. but the base didn't change.
Same same, BUT there are a couple of minor differences in appearance. The separate console "butt" piece is '66 - '67 ONLY, as this was to accommodate the longer Charger console. So, the '66 and '67 body is two pieces. The '68 - '70 is all one piece and is plastic, versus the '66 and '67 being fiberglass. The '66 - '68 console tops were a textured machined metal and painted black between the machined areas, and painted Argent Silver along the two top pieces, lengthwise. The later consoles were woodgrained and may have been painted silver or black along that area alongside. I've seen both over the years. ALL other trim items are exactly the same, all through the five years these were used. Of course, the four-speed console is different at the driver's side, right in front of the seat, where the console bulges out to accommodate the shifter and the hump.

I DO have a console I'd be willing to sell. PM me with your email address and we'll go from there.
The 66 Dodge/Plymouth console was two piece, and of much higher quality by the way. but I don't remember about the 67 Charger. However, the 67 Satellite/GTX was one piece.(cheaply made too) As was the C body 67-70. Hopefully that helps,,,
Im definitely more interested in the earlier 66/67 c/b body consoles. I am also realistic about finding one. With that I guess I'll take what I can get! And thankyou for the lessons guys! I didnt realize there were that many options for them.
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